
Showing posts from March, 2017

August Valentine RAW Natural Born Artists Showcase at Boulevard 3 Hollywood

     August Valentine packed up our wares this week and headed for Hollywood's  hottest new celebrity nightspot Boulevard 3. Featuring a"high rise"runway that spanned half the club high above patrons heads and a dizzying  array of talented artists performing and presenting their crafts for your shopping enjoyment.        We were beyond excited to showcase at this new venue in Hollywood, and our stage show featured a custom motion graphic show that played on a large screen behind the high rise runway.  Our feature film illustrated a Valentine themed story about long life filled with love behind the models as they slayed the runway. Our great friend from new york flew out to add her one of kind acrobatic talents on the suspended ring at the end of the runway. Playing cupid and flirting with the models our aerial performer Adrienne Mora charmed the audience and the models with a theatrical tumbling routine.    The event venue was beautiful the models were amazing and